たべすぎた。。。(I ate too much...)
Because I love Naporitan!!!!!!x) hehe yammy~~
Oh! Do you know what is Naporitan??:D
It's not people who live in Napori x) hehe
Naporitan is Ketchup Spagetti of Japanese style XD hehe
You can eat Naporitan at Japanese family restraunt or cafe in Japan^__^
But this time, I would like to teach everyone how to cook Naporitan!!!!XD yayyyyy xD
But this is my Original version Naporitan ~ ♪ hehe
This is for one person:D
You need to have
・Spagetti ( whatever you want )
・Olive oil
・Margarine(if you don't have, it's ok xD)
・Onion (half)
・Potato (half)
・Garlic (one peice)
・Ground meat (I love beef or pork!!) (whatever you want xD )
・Ketchup ( much xD )

If the ground meat is frozen, you should thaw the frozen ground meat first:D
Put spagetti into boiled water and put penguin salt!! xD
When you finish to boil the spagetti, move the spagetti to a sieve and pour bit olieve oil!!:D
It helps the spagetti not to be sticky!!(OMG my english..XD help me help me)
Stir-fry the cut potato with oil first:D
You know when you cut onion, the onion make you cry right?XDSo if you don't like it, wear plastic film!!!XDDD
Like the baka boy!! haha
I didn't cry at all B) fufu great?xD haha
And then, put cut onion and thawed ground meat and star-fry them together until the ground meat become well x)
Put margarine and sliced garlic together:D
And then put the spagetti!!!! B )
Hungry ??XD
Don't be afraid everyone!!!!!!Ganbaruuuuu!!!!!
Put much Ketchup!!!!!XD
Don't blame me Italian people!!!!!XD
GO GO!!!!!!
And then star-fry them and put salt again:D
If you want more Olieve Oil, you can put it more hehe^^
It's finished after you put an egg in the end ~ xD haha
This is the Naporitan spagetti!!!!!x)
Even though italian friend say this is not spagetti though, it taste pretty nice XDDD hahaTRY IT!!!!!!
If you don't like it, I am coming to you and say GOMEN xD haha
When you try to cook it, tell me^___^
Ciao ciaoooo ♪ haha
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