
~ Fushimiinari in Kyoto ~

How is everyone?
I am exhausted cause it's hot weather in Japan ~^^;;; aryarya~

This timeee, I would like to show you "Fushimiinari" where is in Kyoto!!!!:D
I visited there first time.
This is Fushimiinari station:)
This is the first "Torii"(The red gate of shrine).
Torii is barrier of Shrine and also gate to the shrine:)

The two foxes is kind of symbol of Fushimiinari:D
Fox is god of this shrine:)
ohhh so big barriers!!
You need huge power to through the gates!! GANBARE!!!!!XD

I through the left side way!!!:D
Tell me when you through the right way~ x) hehe

This is Fushimiinari original "Ema":D
Ema is a plate that for writing your wish and the god make your wish come true~(Sorry for my baaad english^^;;;;)


Do you know that you can make your Torii if you pay money?:D
The torii's size is depend on how much you pay~
As you can see there is many names(mostly company's name) who made their torii~:D


Hi Hi Hi!!
There is so many stairs!!!!*o*
It spends about 2 hours until to the Top!!!!! GANBATTE x)

I found a cafe finaly..xD
It's so cozy~ x)

*actually, I couldn't go to until the top....xD
 It's too hot hot xP ごめんなさい。。ww

You love surveniour right~?x)
かわいいsurvenours-chan!!!! x)





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